I’m calling March the “Month of Story.” Kicking off with the Tapestry Conference in St. Augustine, Florida, the Socrata Connect conference in Washington, DC on March 7, and ending with the Malofiej Infographic World Summit in Pamplona, Spain, I’m focusing on what it means to tell stories and how stories and data mix (or don’t). Over the next few weeks, I’ll be (trying to) publish some posts about data and stories with resources, notes, and book lists.
To kick of this Month of Story, I’m very pleased to have John Yorke join me on the podcast. John’s new book, Into the Woods, shows that there is a unifying shape to narrative, one that echoes the great fairytale journey into the woods, and one, like any great art, that comes from deep within. In the podcast, we explore the question of how you apply traditional definitions of story to data. John and I discuss how those two concepts match or don’t match and what we as people working with data should think about when we use the word ‘story’.
Episode Notes
John Yorke | Into the Woods
JMP Statistical Discovery Software from SAS
Data Viz Info Kit (Includes interview with Kaiser Fung and Alberto Cairo)