Report Design


Let us help you develop, lay out, and design your next paper, report, issue brief, or blog post.

We work collaboratively with writers and designers to help you create outstanding documents, reports, and briefs that will engage the reader and bring them into your work. We work with many tools including the Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and the Microsoft Office suite to bring your work to life. We often work directly with your data to help build clear, engaging data visualizations and generate a series of report layout options that will create an enjoyable and useful reading experience.

We recently worked with the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) on their report, 6 Months in Crisis: The Impact of COVID-10 on Domestic Workers. We worked together with NDWA staff to analyze their data and create more than 20 data visualizations in the report. We explored numerous report layout options and color palettes that brought the report to life. Additionally, because NDWA’s data included qualitative interview responses, we also worked with them to identify pull-out quotes that would bring the data alive for the reader.

Page from NDWA report with mosaic chart and pull-out quote