PolicyViz offers multiple opportunities to help you and your business find and attract new audiences.
The PolicyViz Podcast helps listeners to analyze, present, and visualize data. Now finishing the 8th season and numbering more than 200 episodes, the PolicyViz Podcast is a critical source of information for data visualization practitioners.
The PolicyViz Podcast helps fill the gap in data visualization education by teaching listeners to develop skills, learn from experts, and be more conscious about their readers, users, and audiences.
The podcast’s target audience is the data professional who wants to know more about the perspectives and experiences of leaders and innovators in the field. A half-hour episode is released every other week.
The PolicyViz Podcast is available on all major providers including iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and TuneIn Radio. Video recordings of each podcast episode are published on YouTube.
Static logo on podcast notes page
Static logo on podcast notes page
Special promotion to over 21,000 on Twitter
Special newsletter send to over 2,000 subscribers
Static logo on podcast notes page
Special promotion to over 21 on Twitter
Special newsletter send to over 2,000 subscribers
30-second “This episode is brought to you by…” audio spot after opening segment
PolicyViz accepts sponsored blog posts in rare occurrences. Sponsored posts must meet the high quality of the platform and meet the needs of the reader. Topics of interest include data visualization or presentation tools (including tutorials); issues around race and ethnicity in data and data visualization; and cutting edge technology in the data ecosystem.
Each sponsored blog post will be marked with a “Sponsored by…” tag at the bottom of the post and all links will be tagged with both the sponsored and nofollow tags.
PolicyViz retains all rights to published content on PolicyViz.com and will work with the writer on editing to maintain the highest quality.
Blog Posts
All Sponsored Blog Posts
Sponsored blog post rules:
- All sponsored blog posts have a “Sponsored” note at the bottom of the post.
- Posts may include one (1) do-follow link.
- Blog posts may not have naked URLs.
- Product reviews are rarely accepted.
- Posts will not be removed from the website.
- Payments can be made via PayPal or Venmo (sponsor-er must pay for transaction fees).
- Posts should be between 600 and 800 words.
PolicyViz offers opportunities for sponsored links in new or existing blog posts. Blog posts are promoted on all of our social media channels and highlighted in the bi-weekly newsletter. All sponsored links contain the sponsored and nofollow attributes.
Sponsored link within existing blog post text. $150 for 6 months; $250 for 12 months; $600 for permanent link.
Rules for sponsored links:
- Sponsored link within existing blog post text: $50 for 6 months and $75 for 12 months.
- Sponsored link in new text within an existing blog post. $125 for 6 months; $225 for 12 months.
- No naked URLs permitted.
- Link will not be labeled as no-follow.
- Payments can be made via PayPal or Venmo (sponsor-er must pay for transaction fees).
The PolicyViz newsletter offers a behind-the-scenes look at the work going on at PolicyViz. In addition to a sneak peak at each episode of the podcast, the newsletter provides a list of current reading materials, and other surprise content. Newsletters are sent out every other Monday with a link to that week’s podcast. The newsletter is currently sent to more than 3,200 recipients with an open rate of about 30% and a click rate of almost 5%.
Sponsored newsletters can include the logo and short description of the sponsor after the headline message–see the example below.
All Sponsored Newsletters
The PolicyViz website includes numerous collections of data visualization and presentation tools and resources. These collections provides useful lists for website visitors seeking to improve how they communicate their data and research. Your organization can be added to existing collections or you can suggest adding a collection in an entirely new page.
The buttons below will bring you to different examples of Collections pages. Suggestions for additional content and resource areas are welcome.
Monetary fees or premium memberships are possible exchanges for collection sponsorships.