Books and Monographs
Data Visualizations in Excel, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, forthcoming 2023.
Better Data Visualizations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks, Columbia University Press, New York, New York, 2021.
Elevate the Debate: A Multi-Layered Approach to Communicating Your Research, editor, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., February 2020.
Better Presentations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks, Columbia University Press, New York, New York, 2016.
Human Capital in the United States from 1975-2000: Patterns of Growth and Utilization. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Kalamazoo, MI (2003) (with Robert Haveman and Andrew Bershadker).
*Princeton University Industrial Relations “Noteworthy Books”, July 2004.
*Choice Magazine “Outstanding Academic Title”, January 2004.
“Do No Harm Guide: Centering Accessibility in Data Visualization.” Urban Institute report, (2022) (with Susan Popkin and Alice Feng).
“Do No Harm Guide: Additional Perspectives on Data Equity.” Urban Institute report, (2022) (with Alice Feng and Wesley Jenkins).
“Are Your Data Visualizations Racist?” Stanford Social Innovation Review, (December 2021) (with Alice Feng).
“Innovative Graphics for NCES Online Reports,” National Institute of Statistical Sciences Technical Expert Panel Report, January 2021 (with Daniel B. Carr, Nola du Toit, Miriah Meyer, and Leland Wilkinson).
“Applying Racial Equity Awareness in Data Visualization.” (2021) (with Alice Feng).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
“Categorizing and Ranking Graphs in Economics Research: The American Economic Review over the Last Century,” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 13, no. 1 (2022): 20-33 (Spring 2022).
“The Practice of Visual Data Communication: What Works,” Psychological Science in the Public Interest, December 2021; 22(3):97-109. doi:10.1177/15291006211057899.
“Ten Guidelines for Better Tables.” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 11, no. 2 (2020): 151-178.
“Organizing the Work of Data-Driven Visual Storytelling,” in Data-Driven Storytelling, AK Peters, Riche, Hurter, Diakopoulos, and Carpendale, eds. (with Christina Elmer and Benjamin Wiederkehr) (April 2018).
“Communicating Data to an Audience,” in Data-Driven Storytelling, AK Peters, Riche, Hurter, Diakopoulos, and Carpendale, eds. (with Steven Drucker, Samuel Huron, Robert Kosara, and Nicholas Diakopoulos) (April 2018).
“Data Journalism in 2017: The Current State and Challenges Facing the Field Today,” Google News Lab Report (September 2017) (with Simon Rogers and Danielle Bowers).
“Geographic Patterns in Disability Insurance Receipt: Mental Disorders in New England,” Urban Institute Research Report (June 2017.)
“Reforming the Disability Insurance Program Should Start Now: Long-Term Reform Requires Structural Change,” Urban Institute Brief (June 2017.)
“Analysis of the Impact of Expiration of Time Limit Waivers on ABAWD Participation: Literature Review and Insights from Regional Directors,” Exploratory Research Memorandum for the Food and Nutrition Service (February 2017) (with Elaine Waxman and Laura Wheaton).
“The Social Genome Model: Estimating How Policies Affect Outcomes, Mobility and Inequality across the Life Course,” Journal of Social Issues 72: 656-675 (December 2016) (with Greg Acs, Steven Martin and Isabel V. Sawhill).
“Understanding Social Security Disability Insurance: Interactions with Other Programs,” Urban Institute Brief (February 2016) (with Stephan Lindner and Pamela J. Loprest).
“Understanding Social Security Disability Programs: Diversity in Beneficiary Experiences and Needs,” Urban Institute Brief (February 2016) (with Melissa M. Favreault).
“Challenges and Choices for the New Mayor: Leveraging the Power of Open Data to Improve City Services,” Urban Institute Brief (December 2014) (with Kathryn L.S. Pettit).
“Promoting Social and Economic Mobility in Washington, DC: Challenges and Choices for the New Mayor,” Urban Institute Brief (April 2015) (with Gregory Acs and Lauren Eyster).
“Effects of a Higher Minimum Wage in the District of Columbia,” Urban Institute Research Report (July 2014) (with Austin Nichols).
“Visualizing Data: An Economist’s Guide,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Winter 2014): pp. 209-234.
“Modeling Individual Earnings in CBO’s Long-Term Microsimulation Model,” Congressional Budget Office Working Paper No. 2013-04 (June 4, 2013).
“The Future of Social Security Disability Insurance,” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Letter, June 24, 2013 (with Mary C. Daly and Brian Lucking).
“Subtle Sources of Bias and Error,” in Bad Data Handbook, Q. Ethan McCallum, ed., O’Reilly publishing, November 2012.
Policy Options for the Social Security Disability Insurance Program. Congressional Budget Office (July 2012).
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Congressional Budget Office (April 2012) (with Molly Dahl, Kathleen FitzGerald, and Emily Holcombe).
“The Earned Income Tax Credit and Expected social Security Retirement Benefits Among Low-Income Women,” Congressional Budget Office Working Paper No. 2012-06 (March 2012) (with Molly Dahl, Thomas DeLeire, and Timothy Smeeding).
A Description of the Immigrant Population: An Update. Congressional Budget Office (June 2011) (with Nabeel Alsalam).
“Identifying Rates of Emigration in the U.S. using Administrative Earnings Records,” International Journal of Population Research (Summer 2011).
Migrants’ Remittances and Related Flows. Congressional Budget Office (February 2011) (with Robert Shackleton).
“Year-to-Year Variability in Workers Earnings and in Household Incomes: Estimates from Administrative Data,” Journal of Human Resources Vol. 46, No. 1 (Winter 2011) (with Molly Dahl and Thomas DeLeire).
“The Long-Term Budget Outlook in the United States and the Role of Health Care Entitlements,” National Tax Journal Vol. 63 (June 2010): 285-305 (with Joyce Manchester).
Changes in the Distribution of Workers’ Annual Earnings Between 1979 and 2007. Congressional Budget Office (October 2009) (with Molly Dahl).
“Stepping Stone or Dead End? The Effect of the EITC on Earnings Growth,” National Tax Journal, Vol. 62, No. 2 (June 2009): 329-346 (with Thomas DeLeire and Molly Dahl).
CBO’s Long-Term Model: An Overview. Congressional Budget Office Background Paper (June 2009) (with others).
“Measurement Error in the SIPP: Evidence from Administrative Matched Records,” Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, Vol. 34, No. 1 (2007) (with Julian Cristia); Congressional Budget Office Working Paper 2007-03 (January).
Assigning Education Status in CBO’s Long-Term Microsimulation Model. Congressional Budget Office Background Paper (October 2008).
Recent Trends in the Variability of Individual Earnings and Household Income. Congressional Budget Office (June 2008) (with Thomas DeLeire and Molly Dahl).
“Can America Afford to Get Sick?” National Tax Journal, Vol. 60, No. 3 (September 2007): 407-418 (with Julie Topoleski and Ignez Tristao).
Trends in Earnings Variability Over the Past 20 Years. Congressional Budget Office, April 2007 (with Thomas DeLeire and Molly Dahl).
“Take a Penny, Leave a Penny: The Propensity to Round Earnings in Survey Data,” Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, Vol. 32, No. 2-3 (2007): 93-111.
“Social Security Individual Accounts and the Impact on Low Earners,” Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2008) (with Julie Topoleski).
“Estimating Employment Spillover Effects In New York City with an Application to
The Stock Transfer Tax,” Public Finance Review, Vol. 33 (November 2005): 663-689.
Earnings Inequality and High Earners: Changes During and after the Stock Market Boom of the 1990s.
Congressional Budget Office Working Paper 2006-06 (April 2006).
“Do youth nonmarital childbearing choices reflect income and relationship expectations?” Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 20 (January 2007): 73-100 (with Barbara Wolfe, Robert Haveman and Karen Pence).
Projecting Labor Force Participation and Earnings in CBO’s Long-Term Microsimulation Model. Congressional Budget Office Background Paper (October 2006) (with Amy Rehder Harris and John Sabelhaus).
“Income Distribution and Social Expenditures: A Cross-National Perspective,” In The Distributional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation, Dimitri Papadimitriou, ed., New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2006) (with Timothy M. Smeeding and Lars Osberg).
“Regulating Underground Industry: An Economic Analysis of Sports Betting,” New York State Economic Review (Fall 2005): 65-77.
“New Job and Business Growth among Recent Immigrants: Rising Self-Employment in New York City,”
Regional Labor Review (Fall 2005) (with Jane E. Lynch): 33-44.
“Employment Spillover Effects in New York City with an Application to the Stock Transfer Tax,” Public Finance Review (Fall 2005): 663-689.
“Insurance Coverage for New York City in an Age of Terrorist Risk,” In Resilient City:
The Economic Impact of 9/11, Howard Chernick, ed., New York: Russell Sage Foundation (August 2005) (with Joshua Chang).
Hidden Revenue: Regulating the Underground Economy of Sports Betting. Partnership for New York City Issue Brief No. 3 (February 2005) (with Michael Simas).
The Stock Transfer Tax and New York City: Potential Employment Effects. Partnership for New York City Issue Brief No. 2 (December 2004).
New York City and Terrorism Insurance in a Post-9/11 World. Partnership for New York City Issue Brief No. 1 (September 2004) (with Joshua Chang).
“Accounting for the wage-benefit tradeoff using the ECI,” Monthly Labor Review (September 2004): 26-41.
“Income Distribution and Public Social Expenditure: Theories, Effects, and Evidence,” In Social Inequality, Kathryn Neckerman, ed., New York: Russell Sage Foundation (2004) (with Lars Osberg and Timothy M. Smeeding).
Income Distribution and Social Expenditures: A Cross-National Perspective, Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper No. 350. Center for Policy Research, Syracuse, NY: Luxembourg Income Study (May 2003) (with Timothy M. Smeeding and Lars Osberg).
“Has Macroeconomic Performance Regained its Antipoverty Bite?” Contemporary Economic Policy, 18(4) (2000): 415-427 (with Robert Haveman).
“Economic growth and poverty: A return to normalcy?” Focus, Institute for Research on Poverty publication, 20(2) (1999): 1-7 (with Robert Haveman).
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