Here’s Challenge #2 for today’s Hackathon:

As we begin to explore years of data on women’s empowerment from the World Bank and United Nations, we want to ask the question: Do countries that significantly improve the status of women also see lower rates of stunting? Women are the primary caregivers in the family. Research from countries around the world has shown that when women are empowered to earn more and have a greater say in home finances, they are more likely than men to invest the additional money in promoting the welfare of their children — through nutritious food, for example. In this project, Bread for the World Institute is interested in exploring whether and where women’s empowerment is associated with improvements in stunting and, if so, over what period of time. The answer to the question of whether the two indicators coincide is most likely to be “sometimes yes, sometimes no.”

Data and background information can be found in the “Challenge 2” in this Google drive folder.

Cleaned IFPRI Data

Cleaned Female Stunting Data

Cleaned Male Stunting Data

Cleaned Female Stunting Data (updated)

Cleaned Male Stunting Data (updated)

Final Cleaned Full Data (updated)

Final Data Cleaned again