Welcome back to The PolicyViz Podcast! I hope you had a great, safe summer. To kick off the fall slate of episodes, I’m very excited to welcome Andy Kirk to the show. Andy–as I’m sure you know–runs the popular website Visualisingdata.com, where he writes about all things data visualization, teaches dataviz through his workshops, and does a popular roundup of the best dataviz on the web.

In this episode, Andy and I talk about his data visualization design process, dataviz sins, new projects, and, of course, his new book, Data Visualization: A Handbook for Data Driven Design.

I’m looking forward to a great slate of guests this fall, so be sure to tune in. And let me know what you think of the show and–please, please–rate the show on iTunes. Your review helps let others know about the show.

Episode Notes

Andy Kirk | Visualisingdata | Teaching: MICA & Imperial College | Seeing Data Project

AndyKirkBookCoverAndy’s Books | Data Visualization: A Handbook for Data Driven Design | Data Visualization: a successful design process

Andy’s talk at OpenVisConf2014



Tableau Software
