Welcome back to The PolicyViz Podcast. I’m happy to have Ben Jones on the show this week. Ben writes about data visualization on his popular blog Data Remixed and also helps run Tableau Public. Ben is a prolific writer, blogger, speaker, and teacher. We talk about the recent Tapestry Conference, whether word clouds are worth anything, data visualization for mobile platforms, and adding interactivity for the sake of interactivity.

Thanks again for tuning in and supporting the show. Please help others learn about it by reviewing the show on iTunes or your favorite podcast provider.


Ben’s book | Communicating with Tableau

Ben’s post on data visualization rules (including word clouds) | My 3 Basic Tenets of Data Visualization

Tableau Public v.9.3

Iron Viz

Don Norman | The Design of Everyday Things

Tapestry Conference

National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting (NICAR) Conference

Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE)


Juice Analytics