As you probably know, Excel does not have a native image-exporting feature, so it requires a separate process to create a high resolution, standalone Excel chart. Many people create standalone graphs by taking screenshots of their Excel window, but screenshots can look blurry and pixelated, especially next to text that surrounds it. The screenshot solution doesn’t always work because the quality of the screenshot depends on the resolution of the monitor.
I think there is a better way to obtain high-quality images out of Excel and have tested a number of different ways to do so. I can summarize these methods into five main categories:
- Take a screenshot. Mac screenshots are going to be better than those taken on PCs because of the inherent better resolution of Mac screens. The other big problem with screenshots is that image size may vary depending on exactly where the user places their cursor. I did not test third-party tools like Camtasia or Screencast-o-matic in this exercise, but consistent image sizes will be an issue whenever you need to manually select the area of the screen to capture.
- Use PowerPoint. Copy the graph from Excel, paste into PowerPoint, and export. If the user wants the Excel graph to be a specific size, then the PPT slide could be set at those dimensions. On PCs, there are two ways to get the slide/image out of PowerPoint: First, use the standard SaveAs command. Second, right-click on the graph and SaveAs a Picture. I find that this second method creates more higher-quality images. (Only the first method works on Macs though).
- Use VBA code. It is possible to build an image exporting engine in Excel (like this one from Jon Peltier) using VBA code (on PCs only). I’ve tested that approach and the quality of the final images is still not that high, likely because the image resolution still depends on the resolution of the screen.
- Save as a PDF. Save the graph (made in either Excel or PowerPoint) as a PDF file (through the SaveAs or Print menus), crop in Adobe, and then save as an image. Because they are vector images, PDFs tend to have the best resolution, but to get a standalone image you still need to export it from Adobe as an image file. I tested a few options here, but image quality wasn’t sufficiently high enough to warrant the multiple steps necessary to create the image.
- Use Preview (Macs only). On Macs, the user can copy the graph from Excel (CMD+C), open the Preview tool and create a new document (CMD+N). This will load the copied graph from Excel directly into Preview. In Preview, select Save and change the file format to PNG. In the save window, you can change the DPI to 300 pixels (or whatever you like). Of all the methods I tested, this provided the highest quality image.
- UPDATE (7/23/2020): Francis Gagnon pointed out that Mac users can simply right-click on the image in Excel and select the Save As Picture option. From this menu, you can save the image as a PNG, GIF, BMP, PDF, or JPG. This approach does work, but I think the Preview option gives a slightly higher resolution.
To conduct these tests, I used a graph on my Macbook Pro and my Asus (PC) laptop for testing, both running Office 365. In addition to grading the quality of the images subjectively, I also documented the image size and image dimensions (in pixels), which helps give a more objective measure of image quality. You can find the results of my tests in the table below and download the raw images and original Excel file in this zip file.
Of course, size matters here. If you need thumbnail images, the loss of resolution in any of these methods probably won’t matter. But if you want a large image, the method may have a big impact on the image resolution. If you look carefully, you can see the differences in clarity between these two images (especially the Source line).
Zooming into the titles of these images and taking a screenshot makes the comparison ever clearer.
For reports–in many cases, created by writing text in Microsoft Word and pasting graphs made in Excel–the same procedures work, but you don’t need to worry about creating a standalone image. In these cases, you could paste the Excel graph into Word (or PowerPoint) directly, but that will often carry the entire workbook with it, which I dislike for file size and security issues. You could also just simply paste as a picture (in the Paste Special menu)–I recommend Enhanced Metafiles for PC users and the PDF option for Mac users.
To create standalone images, my recommendations are as follows:
- PC users. Copy the graph in Excel (CTRL+C) and paste into PowerPoint as a Microsoft Excel object. (The PPT slide size should be set to match the size of the graph using the Slide Size option in the Design tab). From there, right-click on the slide, select “Save as Picture”, and then use the PNG file format option.
- Mac users. Copy the graph in Excel (CMD+C), open a new file in Preview (CMD+N), and save as a PNG image (changing the resolution to 300 DPI). This ensures consistent image size and the image quality in Preview can be set to 300 pixels/inch.
These recommendations have three major advantages:
- The images are of high quality and same file type (PNG)
- The images will be the same size
- The steps are relatively simple
This challenge of creating high quality Excel graphs as a challenge for many users. I don’t claim that my findings are the correct or only answer, but I think they offer a viable path to create high-resolution Excel graphs. If you have a preferred method or solution that you think would work better, please let me know.
Thanks for the different ways to deal with this. A bit anxiety, I don’t understand how a powerful tool like excel doesn’t automatically provide the choice to save a picture.
Maybe this is what you were getting at, but I’ll say it explicitly:
The Mac version of PowerPoint has a menu item File > Export… that offers a critical feature: the ability to set the exported slide’s *resolution* to an arbitrarily high value. When saving an Excel chart as PDF I was having unacceptable font problems, but as a high-res PNG it looked OK. The intermediate step of pasting into PowerPoint isn’t burdensome.
It is a good quality is a better way to obtain high-quality images out of Excel and have tested a number of different ways to do so. Thanks
Attached image:
“Copy the graph in Excel (CMD+C), open a new file in Preview (CMD+N), and save as a PNG image (changing the resolution to 300 DPI). This ensures consistent image size and the image quality in Preview can be set to 300 pixels/inch.”
This worked beautifully for me as a Mac user! I selected everything in the Excel sheet I wanted and copied it, then went to Preview -> File -> New from Clipboard. The area of the sheet I’d copied came up and I was able to save with the 300 DPI you recommended. Finally, crisp photos of my Excel work with no pain! Thank you SO much. I’ve read multiple articles trying to get to this point and none of them left me with high resolution images. Thank you, thank you!
very nice article …thank you..
Thank you so much for this important update information. Sincerest wishes for your wellbeing.
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For Excel images, I had good results saving the chart or image that is on one sheet to a pdf. Then save the pdf as a tiff file.
Thank you very much for your instructive advice.
It’s so exciting to see you sharing your findings of high-resolution Excel images. I’m so glad you shared your experience with the blogging community. I feel like the more people who know about this the better!
I loved reading your blog post about how to use Excel to export high-resolution images. I’ve done a lot of work with Excel in my web design and development career, but I never knew that you could export images from Excel! I’m so excited you posted this blog, and it’s given me a ton of new ideas that I can apply to my own work. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much for giving me such excellent information and I wish you all the best.
It’s a great blog. keep writing.
Thank you for sharing such information. It will really help me in my work. Keep writing on these types of excel tricks for us. Really appreciate your work.
Thank you for sharing the new technology. Before reading your article I knew that there are only clipping path services, photo cutout services, background removal, image masking photo editing but today I know that excel image editing. Well Done.
Excel is a great tool for creating high-quality images. To ensure the best results, there are a few different approaches to take to ensure the best output. One way is to use settings that adjust for the best resolution, size, and format for a particular image. Another technique is to use certain tools and features to improve the overall quality of the image. By testing out a few different methods, you can get the most out of your images in Excel.
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[UPDATE 10/2023] In Microsoft 365 on Windows, Excel version 2310, the “Save as Picture…” right-click option lets you choose “Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)” as an output type. This are perfect-resolution vectors like a PDF but without any extra steps or hoop-jumping.
See the attached screenshot for the steps as well as proof of what these charts look like in Word zoomed in to 200% — they are perfect.
Attached image:
Whoa! That’s very cool! Works on Macs too!!!
Great image and style was very good. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome post. Thanks for sharing.
High resolution in excel sheet. Its a very important tutorial.
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