Today marks the expansion of PolicyViz. The front page will no longer contain details about my data visualization and presentation techniques workshop. Instead, I’ll focus my efforts on writing about those same issues. I will continue to offer workshops on these issues in the DC area, but details have now been moved to the Workshops tab.

My goal is not to write solely about data visualization. There are already several fantastic such blogs out there—eagereyes, flowingdata, storytellingwithdata, visualisingdata—just to name a few. Instead, I will write more broadly about how to effectively communicate to your audience and cover a range of topics:

• specific data visualization techniques;
• examples of both good and bad data visualizations and presentations;
• data visualization tutorials (mostly in Excel),
• general presentation tips and techniques;
• practical things to help you create your presentations; and
• how we perceive information and data.
• I will also likely cross-post with discussions taking place on my other project, HelpMeViz.

For the most part, I will focus on subject areas in which I have training and experience, namely economics, and budget and public policy. Many of the visualizations I hope to highlight will originate from government agencies, think tanks, policy shops, and universities.

At its core, data visualization is about communication and I look forward to sharing my thoughts about how we can visually use data to more effectively communicate our work and our analyses.


Photo Credit: Adapted from Viktor Hertz via Compfight cc